Regulations and by-laws
Regulations and By-Laws (mentioned as “Rules” hereafter) of the International Society of Bengal Studies approved by the General Body in its meeting held on 27th January, 2018, at Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- This Regulations and By-Laws replace the existing Regulations and By-Laws and the decisions of the General Body held in 2015 at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan.
- The International Society of Bengal Studies (mentioned as “the Society” hereafter), shall be a Society maintained by the Bangabidya Trust.
- The Society adopts the objective of undertaking activities to contribute in the development of Bengal Studies. To fulfill the said objective,
- the ISBS shall, on its own or in collaboration with other organizations/institutes/academies, organize the “International Congress of Bengal Studies” (mentioned as “ICBS” hereafter) at regular intervals;
- publish academic journals/monographs etc;
- organize seminars/workshops etc.
- There shall be a Governing Council which shall be the highest policy making body under the general supervision of the General Council.
- Life members shall constitute the General Council.
- Life members shall constitute the Governing Council until a specific Governing Council is approved in a General Body Meeting.
- Any person who is involved in Bengal Studies may become a general member for a period of one year through submission of a membership fee.
- The Membership Fee is 1000 Indian Rupee for Indian citizens/ 1000 Bangladeshi Taka for citizens of Bangladesh and USD 25 for citizens of other countries or as decided by the General Body from time to time.
- Any person who is involved in Bengal Studies may become a life member through submission of prescribed fee and approved as such by the Governing Council.
- The Life Membership fee is 10,000 Indian Rupee for Indian citizens; 10,000 Bangladeshi Taka for Bangladeshi citizens; and USD 500 for citizens of other countries or as decided by the General Body from time to time.
- Special rebate will be given to the life members while calculating the Registration Fee of ICBS and other seminars/workshops organized by the ISBS.
- All members shall have the right to move motions for consideration of the General Body, deliberate on the motions placed as such, and vote on any motion placed for voting.
- Only life members shall be eligible to be elected or nominated as an office bearer and/or Executive Council member except otherwise decided by the General Body in specific cases.
- Meetings of the General Council and Governing Council shall be held during ICBS or as and when called by the General Secretary or the President.
- Meetings of the General Body and Governing Council shall be presided over by the President or the senior-most Vice-President present.
- There shall be an Executive Council for implementing the policy decisions of the General Council and the Governing Council.
- Members of the Executive Council shall be elected by the Governing Council subject to approval of the General Body.
- The Executive Council shall elect, from amongst its members, the President, Vice-Presidents, General Secretary, Joint Secretaries, and the Treasurer.
- The Executive Council and Office Bearers shall be elected for a period of two years, subject to changes only by a General Body meeting.
- Sitting members of the Executive Council shall be eligible for re-election.
- Sitting Office bearers shall be eligible for re-election.
- The General Secretary shall be the Member Secretary of the Executive Council.
- The President shall preside over the meetings of the Executive Council.
- One Vice President shall preside over the meetings of the Executive Council and the General Body in the event of the absence of the President.
- The Executive Committee shall evolve detail procedure of functioning.
- In case of the posts of President and/or General Secretary falling vacant for whatsoever reason, the Executive Council shall meet and elect a President or General Secretary as the case may be, for the remaining period of the term of the Executive Council.
xii. Till such an election is held, the senior-most Vice President and the senior most Joint Secretary shall act as the interim President and the interim General Secretary respectively.
- The seniority in such cases shall be determined by the date of birth of the persons concerned.
- The Treasurer shall maintain the record of accounts and expenditure, and, stock register of durables and non-durables purchased.
- The Treasurer shall place annual statement of accounts and expenditure, audited by a Chartered Accountant, before the General Body.
- Copies of the Audit report of the accounts and expenditure must be circulated amongst the members present in the General Body.
- The General Body, after deliberating over the Statement of Accounts and Expenditure, and the Audit report, may approve the report of the Treasurer. However, if the Audit report contains any adverse comments or queries whatsoever, the General Body must initiate an investigation to be carried out by a three member committee.
- At least two Members of such Committee shall belong to two different countries.
- The General Body, in its next meeting, must deliberate on the report of such Committee and initiate necessary action as recommended by such Committee.
- The ISBS shall establish Chapters/incorporate organizations as its Chapters.
- Chapters shall be established/incorporated/de-affiliated and regulated as decided by the Executive Council.
- The Chapter shall be constituted with members belonging to respective regions.
- The President and Secretary of the Chapter will be the Vice-President and Joint Secretary of the ISBS respectively.
- The International Congress of Bengal Studies shall be organized at regular intervals in collaboration with other academic institutions/organizations.
- The General Secretary, in consultation with the Chapter Secretaries, shall take the initiative for collaboration with academic institutions for organizing the Congress.
- The Organizing Team constituted on behalf of the ISBS shall be responsible for taking and executing measures for the ICBS.
iii. The Organizing Team will be constituted with the Chapter Secretaries, Treasurer, and the Coordinator/Convener of the ICBS with the General Secretary as the Coordinator.
- Other members of the committee shall be nominated by the General Secretary in consultation with the Chapter Secretaries and the Coordinator/Convener of the ICBS.
- The Organizing Committee shall be constituted by the host organization of the Congress.
- Members of the Organizing Team shall also be the members of the Organizing Committee.
vii. The Host Organization shall nominate the Convener of the Congress.
viii. The General Secretary of the ISBS and the Convener of the Congress shall have the authority to seek sponsorship from Governmental, Autonomous and Private organizations.
- The General Secretary of the Society and the Convener of the Congress shall have the authority to propose, sign and execute any collaboration with any other Academic Organization, subject to written consent of the President.
- The Treasurer of the Congress shall maintain the record of accounts and expenditure, and, stock register of durables and non-durables purchased from the Congress fund.
- The ISBS shall publish a referred journal titled “Bangabidya” and an Index of Papers Published in various areas of Bengal Studies.
- The General Council shall have the right to move and adopt amendments of the Constitution through deliberation and voting where at least three fourth of the members present should vote in favor of the proposed amendment.
- Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Council or by any Life member.
- Members may propose an amendment through a written submission to the President or the General Secretary.